Get Involved

This is not the Sarah show. The family of God is a beautiful thing, especially when it is working together, all using their gifts. It's a stunning thing, really. You can be actively involved in what God is doing in Uganda in many ways!

1. Pray. This is huge. No matter where we are, we can talk to God. You can pray that God is glorified. Pray that He prepares the girls who He wants in the discipleship school. You can pray that God prepares me as well for the task in front of me.

2. Give. Partnering with this ministry means that you're straight up a part of the ministry in Uganda. We're partners and we're in it together. You can give a one time gift or be a regular.

You can give a one time gift that will help cover my outgoing expenses to get to Uganda. For one time gifts, click here then scroll to my name (Pisney, Sarah) under the missionary drop down box.

You can also partner with me on a regular basis be that monthly, quarterly or yearly. Long term support is important to keep me in Uganda as well as to have an even greater impact in Uganda. It's these partnerships that highlight the beauty of the body of Christ. If you're interested in that, click here then scroll to my name (Pisney, Sarah) under the missionary drop down box.

3. Connect. There are a variety of ways that you can connect with this ministry.
  • Set up a get-together/party/small group of your friends/whatever else you'd like to call it. I'd love to share with you, your friends, your family and even your church about what God is doing in Uganda. Interested in hearing more? I'll be traveling around the US and there's a good chance that I'll be in your area at some point. Let me know in the comments below.
  • You may have a gift or talent that you're wondering, "how can I use this to help Uganda?". Your gift or talent may be of great help to me as I ready to move to Uganda (video editing, photography, transportation, creative fund raising ideas, etc) or may be helpful in Uganda (sewing, baking, Biblical knowledge, carpentry, etc). We are looking to add members to our team in Uganda to help with the discipleship school. Does that sound like something you'd want to be a part of? Wondering if your gift could be used in this way? Let me know in the comments below.
  • Spread the word! Tell everyone and anyone you know that may be interested in this ministry. For real, do it!
As you can see, there are many ways that you can get involved. I hope that you get excited about what God is doing in Uganda and what He will do in the lives of these girls. I look forward to being partners together for His glory!

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